Research Papers

  • Use your outline to organize your paper.
  • Begin your first draft, using details from your notes. Concentrate on clearly communicating the information you learned. You can check spelling and grammar later.
  • Follow your teacher's required format.  Many schools use standard report writing formats from  MLA and APA style manuals.
  • Crediting sources in your paper:
    • While writing, credit your sources within your paper using parenthetical citations (MLA or APA), as necessary.
    • Credit all sources at the end of your paper by creating your works cited (MLA) or reference list (APA) using Citation Maker.
    • Find citation examples, citation worksheets, and sample works cited or reference lists for MLA and APA.

You may find rubrics/scoring guides helpful in creating your project.


    Next => Now that you have written your first draft, it is time to go to the next step of the OSLIS research process: Present.