Librarian Collaboration Taxonomy
This information is from David Loertcher as posted here.
The Library Media Specialist's Taxonomy
1. No Involvement
The library media center is bypassed entirely.
2. Self-Help Warehouse
Facilities and materials are available for the self-starter.
3. Individual Reference Assistance
Students or teachers retrieve requested information or materials for specific needs.
4. Spontaneous Interaction and Gathering
Spur-of-the-moment activities and gathering of materials occur with no advance notice.
5. Cursory Planning
Informal and brief planning with teachers and students for library media center involvement--usually done in the hall, the teachers' lounge, the lunchroom, etc. (Here's an idea for an activity and new materials to use. Have you seen…? Can I get you a film?)
6. Planned Gathering
Gathering of materials is done in advance of class project upon teacher request.
7. Evangelistic Outreach
A concerted effort is made to promote the philosophy of the library media center program.
8. Scheduled Planning in the Support Role
Formal planning is done with a teacher or group of students to supply materials or activities for a previously planned resource-based teaching unit or project.
9. Instructional Design, Level I
The library media specialist participates in every step of the development, execution, and evaluation of a resource-based teaching unit. LMC involvement is considered as enrichment or as supplementary.
10. Instructional Design, Level II
The library media center staff participates in resource-based teaching units where the entire unit content depends on the resources and activities of the LMC program.
11. Curriculum Development
Along with other educators, the library media specialist contributes to the planning and structure of what will actually be taught in the school or district.