May 1, 2015
Happy Friday.
Here's advance notice that Gale will release a new product for middle school grade levels (6-8) in late spring, and Oregon will switch over to the new offering in the summer. This yet-to-be-named database will bring together content from and replace the following databases: Discovering Collection, Junior Reference Collection, Student Resource Center Junior (different from Student Resources In Context, which is not changing), and InfoTrac Junior.
The new middle school database will feature a modern interface and tool set consistent with Gale’s In Context products. Content will be cross-disciplinary, focusing on core curriculum areas of literature, science, and U.S. and world history. Features will also include alignment to curriculum standards and a mobile responsive design.
Please give appropriate staff and students a heads up about this major Gale update.
Questions? Please ask.
Jennifer Maurer
School Library Consultant
Oregon State Library