How to Create an Account in LearningExpress Library 3.0

January 11, 2014

I have answered several questions since posting about the LearningExpress Library transition from version 2.0 to version 3.0. One frequent question is this: do folks really have to create a new account in 3.0? The answer is yes. Versions 2.0 and 3.0 are independent of each other, and saved items in 2.0 will not transfer to 3.0. Users have until the end of June to finish in-progress tests and tutorials in version 2.0 before access to 2.0 is removed. I understand that creates extra work for people, but that is the way LearningExpress set up the transition. (I'm sure there are good reasons for it.)

So, how do you create an account in LearningExpress Library version 3.0? It's simple. See the attachment for step-by-step instructions including screenshots.

This message and the attachment will be posted in the OSLIST archive. Similar information can be accessed by clicking on "Questions?" in the LearningExpress Library box on the Find Information pages (secondary or elementary).          

Questions? Please ask.


Jennifer Maurer
School Library Consultant
Oregon State Library